Events only locals know about

Let Billi help you find unique local events and experiences

Welcome to the place to find unique local events and experiences.
What is Billi
Billi is a digital platform that brings people looking for where to go and what to do together.

Billi has the hottest tickets in town to unique events that still have availability.

Your local friend.
Why choose Billi?
You know that thrill you get when you don't plan an evening out and you end up having the night of your life?

Well Billi is that night... over and over, anytime, anywhere, with family or friends, solo or in a couple.

Your friend Billi is in the know and here to help.
Who is Billi?
Meet the team behind Billi

It helps when your IRL best friend's name is Billi, and she is fun, funny, exciting, in the know of all the new and cool places to go and try.

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